Monday, March 19, 2012

The Alphabet Game

For some reason everything in college can somehow relate to hooking up. This leads to there being multiple games and techniques in order to make hooking up more of a sport. In a previous post, the idea of "hitting every sports team" made the concept of hooking up something competitive.

Another one of these games is called the "alphabet game". This game requires the knowledge of the first letter of each guy's name that you hook up with. The goal is to have a guy for every letter, and in order to do so you have to look for multiple guys and be careful about what guys you choose to hook up with in order to fill up all 26 letters in the alphabet. If you aren't careful, you end up getting repeat letters, which doesn't help win the game.

The "alphabet game" also is like a mini social network. In the movie, Facebook is a network created to meet new people and keep in touch with your friends. This game is just like this in the sense of it being like a little network that gets created among everyone based on the mission to reach people with a certain letter for their first name. This is also similar because some people on Facebook have a goal to have a certain number of friends, while in this game there is a goal to get a certain number of names to win the "alphabet game"

Some people get so intense in this game that they try and get certain letters by any means possible. Rumor has it that one girl really wanted the letter "X" and devised a plan to get it. She planned to go to a party and yell out the name Xavier, and then look around for someone to turn and acknowledge this as their name. Yes this plan is a little drastic, but whatever works right?

This game is all about giving people an excuse/goal in relation to hooking up with people, but do people actually play this game?

Myth or Reality?

Friday, March 16, 2012

Study Rooms

Most colleges have study rooms, which are supposed to be used as a place to isolate yourself and get work done...key word...SUPPOSED TO. So far, throughout my college experience, there have been many rumored uses for said study rooms.

There are actually some people that use the study room for its correct purpose of getting work done. These people normally have the study room door open with the lights on with a computer sitting on the desk in front of them. There tends to be papers scattered all over the desk with a stressful looking college student staring blankly at them.

Other than actual studying, there seems to be rumors of people using the study room as a place to partake in alcohol and drug use. To be honest, the conditions of the room when this is occurring are sort of a mystery...the door is closed but are the lights on or of? is there noise? who is in there and what are they doing? There has been evidence left of these events such as an empty bottle and remnants of a white powdery substance. It is a very sketchy use of a study room and is usually done in such a secretive way that it makes you wonder if this really happens.

When you look under the closed door of the study room and the lights are off, you would assume that there isn't anyone in there....but then you try twisting the knob. When you try to open the door, you realize that it is locked. If they lights are off and the door is locked, that means that there are at least two people in that study room hooking up in some way shape or form. In this situation the lights are off, the door is locked, and there are normally rustling noises coming from inside.

One of the main resources of the study room is expanding you social circle by using the study room in any of the three ways listed above. With this expansion of your social circle, your social capital grows as well. Through meeting new people, new connections are made, which can lead to useful bonds and bridging made for the future. These relationships made in the study room can help you in the future and make you social capital increase in such a way that helps you be successful in life.

Study rooms have many uses for them but how many are true? all of them? some of them? or none of them? What do you believe? Are these study room uses...

Myth or Reality?