There have been rumors of this kind of thing happening all of the time in college but are they true...
There are multiple ways of signaling a roommate that they either need to leave the room or not come back for awhile. One way is rumored to be putting a sock or scrunchie on the door, which tells the roommate that walking in at that moment is not the best idea. Sometimes roommates have decided to text each other asking for the room or to tell them that the room is currently occupied. In some cases, people will be really obvious about it and just write on the whiteboard outside the door that they are using the room.
Story Time
There is one particular story that I have heard. This particular room had made an agreement that whenever someone wanted the room there would be a text sent out that would ask for the room at a specific time. However, one day, this plan went horribly horribly wrong.......
One of the roommates had a boyfriend at the time and knew that her roommate had class for the next hour. She decided this would be an opportune moment to spend some alone time with her boyfriend. Due to her roommate being in class, she figured that a text message wasn't necessary...little did she know that she would come to regret that decision.
Her roommate ended up getting out of class over half an hour early, which resulted in the roommate walking on her and the boyfriend a little in the middle of something. I have heard that this situation was extremely awkward and could have been easily avoided if she had just sent a single text message.
The use of cell phones has sometimes been related to people not knowing exactly how to communicate in person. Some might say that this story proves this point because of the interaction between the two girls being rather awkward and the girl with the boyfriend not knowing how to handle a face to fact confrontation correctly. However, without the concept of text messaging, there could have been many other awkward interactions like this one. So is technology good or bad? Maybe it's both.
So sexiling is something that occurs at college, but do these kinds of signs really exist? Do situations like this story really happen? Is this...
Myth or Reality?